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Hello: my husband has had elevated psa levels with borderline free %'s for about one year. about 3weeks ago his psa level was up significantly and his free psa percentage dropped to 10%. about 8 months ago he had 6 biopsies done with all coming back negative. last week he had 12 biopsies done with one biopsy coming back positive. one year ago when he had problems with frequency, urgency ect... a physical exam revealed a hardened area on the right side. the gleason is 5 and we were told is is well to moderately differentiated. he is up for mri and bone scan in the next few days. we are told that he is not to have surgery for 2 months because of the biopsies and not to worry it won't spread. i am wondering if anyone would like to share comments on this. also, we are opting for the nerve sparing radical pros. what about hormone or radiation therapy after that even if it is confined to the prostrate? i have a friend who's cancer came back in the bone 7 years after his radical. he had no hormone or radiation tx postop. comments/thoughts ect.... please. we are new into this.