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Ten days after receiving my flu shot I came down with a 101 fever with no other symptoms other than achiness and fatigue. The fever was gone by the next day, but I felt tired out for several days. After 2 days of feeling good, I woke up with a 102 fever which rose to 104 even after taking Tylenol. As the day went on and I could barely keep it under a 103 even though on Tylenol every 4 hours, I was taken to the emergency room. The doctor was baffled that I had no other symptoms - not even a headache. After running several tests they couldn't determine where the fever was coming from (even the influenza swab was negative), and diagnosed it as a mystery virus. I'm on day 6 now, and am still running a low grade fever. I have never had ANY reactions to flu shots in the past - but am wondering now if anyone else has had a similar experience?