My Goodness. Pat , you said RSD was a brian disorder. I am seeing a RSD specialists and it definatly is not a brain disorder. RSD is damage to the sympatehic nerves due to a trama of some kind. In my case a fracture of the knee. I haven't walked in 2 years BUT and I say but there is new treatment called Phonton Therapy. Treatment by laser and IT WORKS. I suffered terrible with the most entense burning pain, and swelling. Infact I had every systom there is and this desease went through me. From my feet to my mouth and even interfered with my sight and speech, but no more. I will be walking in a few weeks I can tell. I am so much stronger, sleep like a baby and no meds now, maybe a light morhine once in a while. It has been 5 weeks now pain free. If you want to know more about this treatment. Email me There is 400 new doctors being trained now in the USA. I know this becuase my RSD doc just got back from the US and there are 2 doc in Canada. its wonderful. cheers I have no pain, no muscle jerking,