Judi B
Once again, I was also diagnosed with MVP about 6 yrs. ago after the birth of my child. I was always working out and thought I would never have a heart problem May I reccomend a book that really helped me. " Confronting MVP Syndrome" by Lyn Frederickson , MSN . There is also a center for Mitral Valve Prolapse in connection with the UNiv. of Alabama.Lyn Frederickson is associated with it. Please don't give up! I too was scared and when I still experience those symptoms It is sometimes difficult to live with. Exercise, the more you do the better your body is able to prevent the symptoms (build up of Lactic acid). Get rid of the caffine and be very careful of over the counter drugs. The book has a list to avoid. Good luck, and God bless you. You are going to be fine...Judi B