If your doctor will order a bone density scan, he can tell if you have reached the stage of osteoporo You would be needing exsis. If you have, ask about being put on Fosamax. You would be needing extra calcium and this is supposed to send the calcium directly to the bones. I have polymyalgia for four years now and started on Fosamax last winter. I was due for a bone density scan in January and after only six weeks, my bone density had increased dramatically after various up and down dosages of prednisone in that four years. I am eighty years old but had not quite reached the osteoporosis stage. Iwas told my bones were in better shape than most thirty hear olds at that time but I had been on Premarin for over fifty years after a hysterectomy , always watched my calcium intake, and my doctor said that was why my bones were in such good shape.(I'm no expert on all this, but I'm getting there-ha,) Elva O