Hi, I'm 55, and I've had the problem of not being able to sit in straight chairs for most of my adult life. (kitchen/dining chairs, etc.) Because I also have always had Restless Leg Syndrome, I just assumed it was the same problem, coming out in different ways. What helped me get rid of RLS is discovering that taking extra Calcium (Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc) helps a lot! I didn't know what Raynaud's was, but I just looked it up. In general, it is blood-vessel spasms. If I think back, the leg pains could seem like blood-vessel spasms, but maybe they're just similar, not the same. I've been reminding other readers to put the name of their disease/illness into a www-search, but I was reminded myself last week that THIS web site has an on-line medical dictionary as part of their Home Page.