Lisa Rush
I have mvp since I was 18, now I,m 41. When I was 28 I developed a full time ventricular arrythmia and must be maintained on Rythmol and Lopressor. The combination of drugs are life sustaining like a pace-maker for me. My cardiologist always told me mvp was benign. Well guess what the common nervous symptom imballance that helped to create the mvp also contributed to many other physical problems that are commonly linked to mvp and ultimately ended up in a more serious problem for me . If I only had the info that I do now when I was 18 all of this would have been easily prevented. Lots of fluid, reduce sugar, areobic exersize, no caffine, Caution in medical proceedures ie novicaine with einephrine, find a concerned cardiologist, find where you are nutritionally imbalanced often magnesium and CO enzyme 10 can help.