I got hsv-2 from an assult many years ago. My boyfriend understands the possiblitly of several asymtomatic sheadings that can occur a year. We plan to remaind together for life. I really feel lucky that he knows and is taking the risk to be with me. I did not date for 10 years because of this. I am really in tune to my body and try to keep my immune system going strong. these are the main issue's I like to express.Also if he gets it, remember he entered the relationship knowing and as mature adults made his decision to stay with you. Good luck ,It is always a little uneasy for me ,but am getting more comfortable. Beechum labs has recently found a vaccine for women only but would protect your partener if you are system free. They may not continue on the research for it, but if they do it is suppose to take a few years. Hang in there, there are more people with this then you would belive. It affects all classes of people. Thanks Toby