I was diagnosed when I was 3. My mother's 2nd cousin had it. Anyway, my head isn't turned to the side, and I've been told by my ophthalmologist that I've done very well through my life (I am 52). Although, I feel that it is extremely frustrating to read a row of small numbers. They all run together. My driving - well I can see 20/40 with lenses and 20/50-60 with glasses. Even when I drive they shift sometimes and reading signs way ahead like other people is very difficult. I need explicit detailed directions with many landmarks. It has kept me from pursuing a career in veterinary medicine or any medical field for that matter. I did well in college - can't complain. I was ridiculed in elementary school, having 6 kids back me up against the blackboard to laugh at me. My acupuncturist is trying to work with this even though we decided not to have any expectations. Occasionally a child will mention it and sometimes meanly and sometimes with curiosity. I work with the elderly and children. I would desparately love to have a "cure" or treatment to lessen this, but I don't think there is any from my 52 years of experience. I just decided to ask my Chinese acupuncturist if perhaps he could find me a referral that is expert in nystagmus. Maybe it's not too late. Night driving is tense if I've never there before. Anhone out there who can relate to my life. Love to heear from you!