I also have gout. I have not ever taken Benemid but have heard of it. There are several meds that work, my dr. just chose to give me alluperinol which works in controling production of uric acid. Gout is a metabolic disease. It is not curable and it BUGS the day lights out of me when well meaning friends insist that I should not take they Insist they are bad for me.. Gout can KILL YOU left untreated. These well meaning people wouldn't try to insist a diabetic not take insulin. Truth is...they do not fully understand and know exactly what Gout really is and truth is...until recent yrs even medical researchers hadn't fully explored it. Anyway, death by Euremic Posioning..(which is what Gout does..releases euremic posion in your body) isn't's painful and horrible. This is one disease that you don't play with herbal "cures".. betty