C. Norris
I believe this may be the same as a hepatobiliary scan. If so, I had this done in December of '98. After an inj- ection of nuclear fluid, your body is scanned to watch for activity in the liver, gallbladder, intestines, etc. It is a relatively non-invasive, nonpainful procedure with one exception. It may recreate the type of symptoms you have been having. For me, it was extreme nausea, but very little pain; more discomfort really. This is how they found that my gallbladder had just stopped functioning. All blood work was normal, ultrasound was normal. Thank God I worked for a physician who believed me when I said for some reason I thought my problem was my gallbladder. If he had not been persistent on my behalf I'd still be nauseated because the surgeon I saw did not believe my symptoms were from my gallbladder. The Dr. I worked for practically had to insist the surgeon do this scan. Good luck!