I had surgery for Meniere's in 97 after suffering from frequent episodes of vertigo for a couple yrs. The surgery was called endolymphatic sac decompression and left mastoidectomy. It was a fairly simple surgery. I stayed overnight and my hearing actually improved. This doesn't happen all the time and I didn't even know there was a chance so it was a nice surprise. There's very little risk involved. And I went for over 2 yrs w/o a single problem until recently, but it is minor and the dr thinks it might not be meniere's at all. I think this surgery was the best thing I could have done. My life became so different after . I'm only 26 now. At the time, I just felt I was too young to be having these health problems all the time. I would recommend this to you if you're having a hard time w/ the vertigo. Good luck