I have been having similar "episodes" for 2 years now. 95% of the time it happens when I'm sleeping, or about to fall asleep. I get stabbing pains in my head accompanied by a feeling of heat in my head and face.I feel disoriented and dizzy, as if I'm going to pass out, or have a seizure or stroke. I have chest pains as well, and gasping for breath. I often feel weak and numb, and it's very difficult to move. My head either feels too heavy for my neck, or as if it's going to float off. My arms will feel heavy and numb and difficult to move. No diarrhea, but almost always some nausea. All tests are negative, except mild heart murmur/mitral valve prolapse. The first Doc I saw 2 years ago diagnosed depression. I was probably the happiest I've been in years, and am only depressed because no one can tell me what's wrong! I am also experiencing increasing fatigue to where I'm barely dragging through each day.Any help, talk or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. E-mail welcome!