I have had Kc. for many years now 22 yrs. It began as a teenager as I left my high school. I was a cook and then found to have this eye problem. It was 20/200 and 20/800 for me in the start. hard lenses were the answer for me. It would help, but the Kc. would change very fast in both eyes. There were times when it would slow to a complete stop and then begin all over again. As my doc. told me it changes like the weather. I now have gone past the usage for any contact lens and now use none. My eyes burn up alot. My doc. also recomended to check my hormone levels out since they said it could be maybe hormone related. I also have epilepsy and my meds. we checked out too. I did have a hormone imbalance as the doc. told me. I recomend anyone whith this to see there doc. and get a hormone test done. As a male I had a 60 to 40 hormone imblance and the higher was the female side. I had it done recently and it was higher 80 to 20 ten years later. So that is my recomendation. I was told that transplants work, but not for everyone. You can e-mail me with any questions at my address Marty